While avenues to explore sex related issues are limited in India we know that sex & sexuality related concerns are very common. We offer a safe & supportive environment for one to talk about things that may be very personal or stigmatised
Sexual Dysfunctions: Individuals may encounter difficulties in achieving sexual satisfaction or pleasure at any stage of sexual activity. The most common sexual dysfunctions are: premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, anorgasmia & low sexual desire. We offer a wide range of effective & evidence based psychotherapeutic services for the management of various sexual dysfunctions.
Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity: We are strong advocates for the mental health needs of individuals with non-traditional forms of sexual & gender orientations. We provide a safe space for people to explore their concerns in a non-judgmental environment. We offer counselling services to enhance their sense of well-being, positive self-esteem, coping skills, & healthy adjustment.
For Couples: At Gyandeep, experienced Psychologists assist couples in exploring & addressing sexual issues in an empathic, supportive & a safe environment.