Welcome to our Gyandeep Guidance and Rehabilitation Services
Every Day
[email protected]
Uttam Vihar Gali No. 1, Azad Garh Road

Online Counselling

We Also provide Online Counselling session via Google meet, Zoom App, Skype etc. by our experts.

online counselling

This service helps make Mental Health support accessible to all, irrespective of distance & time. It is the most feasible option for those who cannot leave their work or environment but want to take care of their own Mental Health needs & requirements. Online counselling helps people cope with mild to difficult life circumstances efficiently. You can seek specialized support from our Clinical, Counselling, Organizational & Child Psychologists online through:

  • Video Conferencing (Google meet/Zoom App/                     Skype)etc.
  • Audio/Telephone

The Process is Simple:

  1. To book a session, click the Book now button below. Other payment options can be found online.
  2. We will contact you to schedule a mutually convenient slot within 24 hours.
  3. The session will be conducted over Google meet/Zoom App/ Skype /Telephone

Payment Options

1. Payment Mode:

Google Pay/Phone Pay (7206418355 Gyandeep Center)

3. Cash or Card: Payment can be made at the Center.

Please note: Online Appointments are confirmed and initiated once payment has been received. Please note that we are not a crisis intervention center and will not be able to provide immediate assistance during an emergency. Please contact your local emergency services when you feel like yours or somebody elses’ life is in danger.

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Gyandeep Guidance Counselling and Rehabilitation Services

Uttam Vihar Gali No.1,Azad Garh Road
(Every Day)
(10am - 09 pm)
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